A Little Summary of Lawrence's Life

Created by Lynn 2 years ago
Lawrence grew up on a nursery where vegetables and flowers were grown. This is where he gained his love of growing things and the great outdoors. He went to local schools and then on to Portsmouth and later Salford universities. He studied Zoology , Statistics and Ecology to Masters level. On graduating he had many temporary jobs before training as a teacher. He taught Science at first, later moving on to Biology and Human Biology. His biggest success was in teaching Health and Social Care for which he won a college award in 2017. While he worked as a teacher he studied for an MPhil in Ecology. He also met me while teaching as I was the new R.S. teacher at the school. We enjoyed walking and reading . We married in 1990. He bought me a cottage style house just as he had promised and we had many good times together particularly those associated with travel to festivals and gigs. We enjoyed running D of E too. Lawrence always talked about how wonderful the world was and the importance of being kind and helping others. He was also very funny with a unique take on the world. We did have difficult times but as a couple we fought together and usually won. Lawrence always said he was nothing without me and I know he loved me very much as I did him. Before he got ill we were planning his retirement and were making plans to revisit favourite places and a few new ones too . We talked about when we were ready to slow down we would by a home near the sea or within a few miles of it. Of course when Lawrence fell ill he worried about the fact that he was not able to do so much and progress on these goals was slow. He talked about not being a success for but I told him he had done all he could to give me a future and this is why I will be completing the journey. I said to him I would continue with the plan so that he would know where to find me so he could share in the future. He was a brave man who in his last months enjoyed walking trips and two festivals. He should have had longer and had been expected to last another month or two more. He said he had had a good life and that he was glad people would remember him as a relatively young person rather than an old fossil. I understood what he meant but I wish he had had at  least a kinder cancer that would have allowed him to do more at the end . I was with when he died and hope to be with him always in some way.